Digital Issue: Annual BODY

Sale Price:$7.00 Original Price:$15.00

Digital download of the complete issue:

BODY, June / July 2019, Vol 4, No 3, 91 pages

Within this issue you’ll see all sorts of scars and read all sorts of body-based stories from lumpectomies to mastectomies to implants to explants to living flat on one side to living flat all the way across. There is no one way to do breast cancer, and similarly there is no one way to do breast surgery – and as you’ll discover here, there is also no reason to live with results that aren’t entirely to your liking either. That’s the real magic of finding your tribe: as you read this issue, you might find yourself thinking, “I didn’t know that was possible!” or “She looks like me!”

Cover model: Stori Nagel


Tears in the Shower a poem by Tina Conrad | Each Body Part Has a Story to Tell by Shelley Moreno | It’s About Identity, Not Vanity a story about Beth Fairchild by Christine Corrigan | Lines and Curves a photo story by Melissa Jansen | Coming to Terms With This Body by Melissa Blanchenay | Pink is More a poem by Rosanne Feder Carter | Getting Something Off My Chest: An Explant Tale by Gina LaPapa | What’s in a Bra? by Keira Kotler | Grace by a photo story by Charise Isis | Previvor Perspective: The Lengths We Go to Heal by Kristen Carbone | Living with MBC: Betrayed, Broken and Blessed by Ann Camden

PLUS: The Only Opinion That Matters: Reader Stories | Release: Yoga | Protein is Primary: Nutrition | Italian White Bean Salad: Recipe |  Tell Your Story: My Life, As Told By My Body

Additional Contributors: Becky Adelson, Stephanie Arnold, Irina Brooke, Beatrice Compagnon, Allyson Crow, Jill Curtis, Ashley Elliott, Stephanie Hodges, Marissa Holzer, Susan Perez, Jocelyn, Shannon L., Sara Kelly, Colette Hoang, Hannah Tomlinson


Digital download of the complete issue:

BODY, June / July 2019, Vol 4, No 3, 91 pages

Within this issue you’ll see all sorts of scars and read all sorts of body-based stories from lumpectomies to mastectomies to implants to explants to living flat on one side to living flat all the way across. There is no one way to do breast cancer, and similarly there is no one way to do breast surgery – and as you’ll discover here, there is also no reason to live with results that aren’t entirely to your liking either. That’s the real magic of finding your tribe: as you read this issue, you might find yourself thinking, “I didn’t know that was possible!” or “She looks like me!”

Cover model: Stori Nagel


Tears in the Shower a poem by Tina Conrad | Each Body Part Has a Story to Tell by Shelley Moreno | It’s About Identity, Not Vanity a story about Beth Fairchild by Christine Corrigan | Lines and Curves a photo story by Melissa Jansen | Coming to Terms With This Body by Melissa Blanchenay | Pink is More a poem by Rosanne Feder Carter | Getting Something Off My Chest: An Explant Tale by Gina LaPapa | What’s in a Bra? by Keira Kotler | Grace by a photo story by Charise Isis | Previvor Perspective: The Lengths We Go to Heal by Kristen Carbone | Living with MBC: Betrayed, Broken and Blessed by Ann Camden

PLUS: The Only Opinion That Matters: Reader Stories | Release: Yoga | Protein is Primary: Nutrition | Italian White Bean Salad: Recipe |  Tell Your Story: My Life, As Told By My Body

Additional Contributors: Becky Adelson, Stephanie Arnold, Irina Brooke, Beatrice Compagnon, Allyson Crow, Jill Curtis, Ashley Elliott, Stephanie Hodges, Marissa Holzer, Susan Perez, Jocelyn, Shannon L., Sara Kelly, Colette Hoang, Hannah Tomlinson

Digital download of the complete issue:

BODY, June / July 2019, Vol 4, No 3, 91 pages

Within this issue you’ll see all sorts of scars and read all sorts of body-based stories from lumpectomies to mastectomies to implants to explants to living flat on one side to living flat all the way across. There is no one way to do breast cancer, and similarly there is no one way to do breast surgery – and as you’ll discover here, there is also no reason to live with results that aren’t entirely to your liking either. That’s the real magic of finding your tribe: as you read this issue, you might find yourself thinking, “I didn’t know that was possible!” or “She looks like me!”

Cover model: Stori Nagel


Tears in the Shower a poem by Tina Conrad | Each Body Part Has a Story to Tell by Shelley Moreno | It’s About Identity, Not Vanity a story about Beth Fairchild by Christine Corrigan | Lines and Curves a photo story by Melissa Jansen | Coming to Terms With This Body by Melissa Blanchenay | Pink is More a poem by Rosanne Feder Carter | Getting Something Off My Chest: An Explant Tale by Gina LaPapa | What’s in a Bra? by Keira Kotler | Grace by a photo story by Charise Isis | Previvor Perspective: The Lengths We Go to Heal by Kristen Carbone | Living with MBC: Betrayed, Broken and Blessed by Ann Camden

PLUS: The Only Opinion That Matters: Reader Stories | Release: Yoga | Protein is Primary: Nutrition | Italian White Bean Salad: Recipe |  Tell Your Story: My Life, As Told By My Body

Additional Contributors: Becky Adelson, Stephanie Arnold, Irina Brooke, Beatrice Compagnon, Allyson Crow, Jill Curtis, Ashley Elliott, Stephanie Hodges, Marissa Holzer, Susan Perez, Jocelyn, Shannon L., Sara Kelly, Colette Hoang, Hannah Tomlinson

Sale Price:$7.00 Original Price:$15.00
Digital Issue: BODY + "A Night of 'Body' Stories" Video
Sale Price:$7.00 Original Price:$15.00
Sale Price:$7.00 Original Price:$15.00
Digital Issue: SOCIAL
Sale Price:$7.00 Original Price:$15.00