Igniting the Fire Within
Stories of Healing, Hope & Humor
The Best of Wildfire Journal
Igniting the Fire Within: Stories of Healing, Hope & Humor is a collection of essays from the first six years of Wildfire Journal. Organized by age at diagnosis — breast cancer arriving in their 20s, 30s, and 40s — these stories will make you laugh, cry, and feel like you’re sitting with a best friend, hearing every aspect of how cancer has impacted their lives, for better or worse.
Whether you have been diagnosed with breast cancer yourself, are a caregiver to someone else, or just want to read stories about having hope on the darkest days, this is the book for you. Inside are 50 under 50: fifty unique stories from people diagnosed under 50 years old, providing a view inside today's unique young breast cancer community. We believe in stories of transformation to heal ourselves and others in the face of cancer, and that's what these personal essays each bring to this book. Each writer gets vulnerable and really shows how to take a difficult circumstance and live with it — not just survive.
Foreward by Cancer Vixen author Marisa Acocella. Compiled and edited by April Stearns and Emily Piercell. More than 50 contributing writers from inside today’s young breast cancer community.
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These essays — raging, howling, and celebrating small victories — reflect the varied and vivid emotions that explode when youth and cancer collide. For those under 50 (but really for anyone) who has been told “you have breast cancer,” the voices in this essay collection will feel hauntingly familiar. To every young person diagnosed with cancer who feels alone and unseen, this book is for you.
Catherine Guthrie, award-winning health journalist and author of the memoir FLAT: Reclaiming My Body From Breast Cancer
The book for anyone:
Diagnosed young with breast cancer
Caring for someone with cancer
Feeling alone
Looking for hope
Diagnosed young with breast cancer • Caring for someone with cancer • Feeling alone • Looking for hope •
It’s the perfect book for any human.