Wildfire Freebies

Free Prompts & Writing Tips

This month’s free download is a selection of writing prompts on the topic of rebuilding intimacy after a breast cancer diagnosis. Body changes brought about through treatment and medical menopause can put a real damper on physical relationships. This printable includes 16 inspiring writing prompts to help you heal whether you are coupled or single. The prompts can be done in order to build upon each one, or taken ala carte. Light a candle and have a fun, sexy, writing date with yourself tonight.

More free ways to dive into your Wildfire community today…

Free Digital Issue

Read an entire digital issue from our archives, for free. Like what you read? Check out our full archives and purchase a single issue or monthly or annual subscription.

Pop-Up Workshops

Join your Wildfire community to learn how to start writing along with women who understand you. Our free pop-up writing workshops change monthly and are each focused around a specific theme or population relevant to our community.

The Burn Podcast

Each week, April Stearns and the writers of Wildfire Magazine share their experiences of being diagnosed with breast cancer under 50. The Burn is about telling cancer stories like you’ve never read - or heard - before.