
Digital download of the complete issue:
FAMILY: GENETIC LEGACY, PARENTING & (IN)FERILITY, Apr / May 2024, Vol 9, No 2, 100+ pages

They say when one person gets cancer, the whole family gets cancer. This issue is full of questions asked and answered, as best we know how. Conversations with children – born and unborn, conversations with mothers, brothers, grandmothers, sisters, conversations with our partners. This issue is all about the many ways our breast cancer diagnosis has affected the people closest to us, often within the four walls of our very homes.

Cover Star: Lauren Tarpley


Ripped Jeans & Cracked Screens a poem by Maila Gray | Letting Go artwork by Amanda Gray | Dramas and Traumas by Ann Camden | About Damn Time by Claire Lemiski | At the Edge by Jaclyn Chung | The Hidden Struggle of Secondary Infertility by Susan DiGregorio | Cycle Breaker by Nikki McCoy | The Cancer Family Tree a poem and artwork by Stephanie McLeod-Estevez | March 13 by Kate Rowbotham | Of Cancer and Little Boys a poem by Kim Harms | Cancer Is What Happens While You’re Making Other Plans by Steph Tubman | Family Recipe by Shandy Bearman | It Was Only But a Dream by Tina Conrad | Cancer at the Hands of a Man by Shasha Nyaker | Where Does the Story End? a poem by Emily Voreas | The Ripple Effect by Lauren Lopriore | She Could Be a Previvor Instead by Laura Remus | Dear Malakai by Tabitha Holman | How to Miss Something You’ve Never Had a poem by M. Patel | Lucy’s Long Journey by Lauren Tarlpey | Postcards From Sicily by Rachel Bennett Steury | Paper Aeroplane by Emma Jarrett | Mama by DeDe Drake | Hurry Up and Wait a poem by Stacy Meisel

PLUS: Editor’s Note and Tell Your Story Writing Prompt by April Johnson Stearns


Digital download of the complete issue:
FAMILY: GENETIC LEGACY, PARENTING & (IN)FERILITY, Apr / May 2024, Vol 9, No 2, 100+ pages

They say when one person gets cancer, the whole family gets cancer. This issue is full of questions asked and answered, as best we know how. Conversations with children – born and unborn, conversations with mothers, brothers, grandmothers, sisters, conversations with our partners. This issue is all about the many ways our breast cancer diagnosis has affected the people closest to us, often within the four walls of our very homes.

Cover Star: Lauren Tarpley


Ripped Jeans & Cracked Screens a poem by Maila Gray | Letting Go artwork by Amanda Gray | Dramas and Traumas by Ann Camden | About Damn Time by Claire Lemiski | At the Edge by Jaclyn Chung | The Hidden Struggle of Secondary Infertility by Susan DiGregorio | Cycle Breaker by Nikki McCoy | The Cancer Family Tree a poem and artwork by Stephanie McLeod-Estevez | March 13 by Kate Rowbotham | Of Cancer and Little Boys a poem by Kim Harms | Cancer Is What Happens While You’re Making Other Plans by Steph Tubman | Family Recipe by Shandy Bearman | It Was Only But a Dream by Tina Conrad | Cancer at the Hands of a Man by Shasha Nyaker | Where Does the Story End? a poem by Emily Voreas | The Ripple Effect by Lauren Lopriore | She Could Be a Previvor Instead by Laura Remus | Dear Malakai by Tabitha Holman | How to Miss Something You’ve Never Had a poem by M. Patel | Lucy’s Long Journey by Lauren Tarlpey | Postcards From Sicily by Rachel Bennett Steury | Paper Aeroplane by Emma Jarrett | Mama by DeDe Drake | Hurry Up and Wait a poem by Stacy Meisel

PLUS: Editor’s Note and Tell Your Story Writing Prompt by April Johnson Stearns

Digital download of the complete issue:
FAMILY: GENETIC LEGACY, PARENTING & (IN)FERILITY, Apr / May 2024, Vol 9, No 2, 100+ pages

They say when one person gets cancer, the whole family gets cancer. This issue is full of questions asked and answered, as best we know how. Conversations with children – born and unborn, conversations with mothers, brothers, grandmothers, sisters, conversations with our partners. This issue is all about the many ways our breast cancer diagnosis has affected the people closest to us, often within the four walls of our very homes.

Cover Star: Lauren Tarpley


Ripped Jeans & Cracked Screens a poem by Maila Gray | Letting Go artwork by Amanda Gray | Dramas and Traumas by Ann Camden | About Damn Time by Claire Lemiski | At the Edge by Jaclyn Chung | The Hidden Struggle of Secondary Infertility by Susan DiGregorio | Cycle Breaker by Nikki McCoy | The Cancer Family Tree a poem and artwork by Stephanie McLeod-Estevez | March 13 by Kate Rowbotham | Of Cancer and Little Boys a poem by Kim Harms | Cancer Is What Happens While You’re Making Other Plans by Steph Tubman | Family Recipe by Shandy Bearman | It Was Only But a Dream by Tina Conrad | Cancer at the Hands of a Man by Shasha Nyaker | Where Does the Story End? a poem by Emily Voreas | The Ripple Effect by Lauren Lopriore | She Could Be a Previvor Instead by Laura Remus | Dear Malakai by Tabitha Holman | How to Miss Something You’ve Never Had a poem by M. Patel | Lucy’s Long Journey by Lauren Tarlpey | Postcards From Sicily by Rachel Bennett Steury | Paper Aeroplane by Emma Jarrett | Mama by DeDe Drake | Hurry Up and Wait a poem by Stacy Meisel

PLUS: Editor’s Note and Tell Your Story Writing Prompt by April Johnson Stearns

Big thanks to our Underwriters for their support of this issue! AnaOno | As We Are Now | Bright Spot Network | Bryght | Might and Bright | Pickles Group | Shine Retreats | The Boobie Queen Company | Young Breast Cancer Project.

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